We are here to support you! The Guidance Department is available for academic advising, course planning, University and College admissions help, and personal counselling.

Standardized Counselling Service

Our expert counselors provide standardized and individualized proactive guidance and personal counseling to all students.

1 to 1 Personal Guidance Meeting

Each student has scheduled meetings with a designed guidance counsellor to discuss their academic goals and study plans.

Advice on Personal Study Plan

Students are encouraged to schedule appointments with guidance counselors for reviewing credits granted from previous studies, discussing course selection, and study plans.


Edsembli is an online student management system, which allows students and parents to check out attendance, marks, and academic progress regularly.

My Blueprint

My Blueprint is an interactive digital platform for advising students about their university admission applications. Students can engage in the process of exploring, planning, and making decisions for the duration of high school and beyond.

Multilingual Student Advisors

We commit to frequent communication, follow-up, and prompt responses to parents and students.

We are committed to providing a caring, responsive and compassionate environment to our students.

Mr. Ira CartySenior Guidance Counselor

Mr. Ira Carty

Senior Guidance Counselor

University Admission

Admission Guide, Deadlines & Useful Links

College Admission

Admission Guide, Deadlines & Useful Links

Your Future Starts Now

Take the next step to plan your future!